Photography Blogs in Japan | Getting back to blogging, RSS feeds and more regular posting…
Social networking has its pros and cons. And it needs to be in the repertoire of every freelancer. that word ‘network’ is the part that really counts for us self-employed creatives.
But, one must never lose sight of the fact that – mostly – huge corporations with fruitcake CEOs run these social networks. And they’re getting all of your valuable creations for free. Sure, the quid pro quo is that we get to use their networks ‘for free’.
Anyway, without going down the rabbit hole, suffuce to say that recently I wanted to get back to more frequent blogging on my own platform. So, I rebuilt my blog.
I’ve had a ‘daily’ photoblog forever. Since the late 90s. In the early 2000s, after I moved to Japan, my blog placed in the top 5 in the best Asian-based blog category in the Annual Photoblog Awards. A few times.
But, templates get old, get forgotten by developers and over the years I’ve been through a few that were great but that just fell by the wayside for their developers. Ending up in a WordPress cul-de-sac.
Such was the story with my last template. It was great. It was simple. But it was broken.
So, I made the huge decision to delete the entire thing and start again. Sadly there was no way to parse the old posts through a new template and have it work out well without a ton of coding to fix stylistic issues.
After while of looking at my old Rolls-Royce and wanting to build a new car out of it, I just decided to scrap it and get a new Roller.
RSS? Didn’t that die?
Well, yes, sort of. Like a lot of great things that Google has been involved in or bought, the death of their wonderful ‘Reader’ app signalled, largely, the death of RSS as a popular format for finding and consuming news and the latest from all your fave creators and websites.
But, RSS still works and whilst I’ve done a bit of a hack to get you an RSS feed from my new site (new articles are created as wordpress ‘portfolio’ items, not ‘posts’), it means you can subscribe and keep up with my posts.
Take a look, hope you enjoy it…
So, yes, there you have it. If you want to keep up with what I’m doing then the best place to go is the blog. This site and my site will still be updated. Just not as regularly as the blog. I made a nice template for the blog, that is easy to update and looks great. Particularly happy with the horizontal scrolling. Yay!
Few screengrabs of it below. Give me a visit and subscribe to the RSS feed.
Thanks! Have a great week!